The focus of these widows mite crafts are on giving when its hard, being faithful in giving as well as encouraging an understanding of money and giving.
Set up
1 quick
2 planning required
Clean up
1 quick
2 mess involved
1 12 - 18 months
2 18 - 24 months
3 24 + months
When Jesus saw the widow place her tiny offering in the collection box he said to his disciples that she had given more than any of the other rich patrons of the temple.
His reasons we can deduce are two fold the faithfulness in giving even when you hardly have and giving what you can give, not trying to make a show of the act of giving.
Read the widows mite story to your toddler from your childrens Bible. Then do some of these crafts with them.
Coin rubbings (Guidelines 1-1-1+)
You will need: Blank paper, selection of coins, wax crayons.
Take a selection of coins from your wallet. Place them underneath plain white paper and then using the side of your wax crayon show your toddler how to rub over the coin to pick up the design under the paper.
Pull string purse (Guidelines 2-1-2+)
You will need: 2 material scrap or felt pieces each about 20cm square, needle and thread and fabric glue, 4 chocolate coins.
Use my pattern to trace the outline onto your chosen clothe. Stick along the edges in a small tacking stitch. If you have an older toddler (3 yrs) then you can show them how to stitch. If you dont want to use needles some craft stores sell fabric glue and you can get your toddler to place a little glue along the edge of the purse.
Remember to glue wrong sides together but stitch right sides together.
Turn the purse the right way around. Using a long double thread on your needle, make a big tacking stitch around the top of the purse and leave long ends extending. Put the chocolate coins into the purse and pull the strings up to close the top.
Plan a play date with a friend for your child and encourage them to share the chocolate coins. In the future you can put your childrens offering at childrens church into their purse and they can be reminded of the widows mite each time.
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