Play Dough for One Child
by Shirley (South Africa)

Playdough toddler craft

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Play Dough For One Child

Playing with play dough is a good way for a child to develop her fine motor skills as well as to develop creativity and imagination. 

The recipe below makes a portion of play dough for one.


1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
2t crem of tartar
1 cup water
1T oil
1t food colouring

Play Dough For One Child Sent In For Your Child To Enjoy


Sift dry ingredients. 
Mix the liquid and colouring in a pot over a medium heat.
Stir in the dry ingredients.
Stir continuously until the mixture forms a lump. Watch it as it burns easly.
Remove from stove, leave until cool enough to handle and knead thoroughly.
Store in an airtight container.

Comments for Play Dough for One Child
Playdough is always a winner! 
by: Anonymous 

Playdough is such a great way to keep little ones busy! Thanks for this submission.

I used to make play dough with my child this game and she loves Playdough very much. This is a wonderful entertaining game for children. If you don’t try this game for your child, please check it out. You will definitely understand the advantage of this game. 

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