The most common sight words list is the Dolch list which is made up of 220 of the most frequently used words found in children’s books. In fact, this list makes up over half of all printed material.
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When children learn to recognize these words automatically and
instantly, they are on the path to reading fluency. The list is below
a | done | I | out | these |
about | don't | it | over | they |
after | down | in | own | think |
again | draw | into | pack | this |
all | drink | is | play | those |
always | eat | it | please | three |
am | eight | its | pretty | to |
an | every | jump | pull | today |
and | fail | just | put | together |
any | far | keep | ran | too |
are | fast | kind | read | try |
around | find | know | red | two |
as | first | laugh | ride | under |
ask | five | let | right | up |
at | fly | light | round | upon |
ate | for | like | run | us |
away | found | little | said | use |
be | four | live | saw | very |
because | from | long | say | walk |
been | full | look | see | want |
before | funny | made | seven | warm |
best | gave | make | shall | was |
better | get | many | she | wash |
big | give | may | show | we |
black | go | me | sing | well |
blue | goes | much | sit | went |
both | going | must | six | were |
bring | good | my | sleep | what |
brown | got | myself | small | when |
but | green | never | so | where |
buy | grow | new | some | which |
by | had | no | soon | white |
call | has | not | start | who |
came | have | now | stop | why |
can | he | of | take | will |
carry | help | off | tell | wish |
clean | her | old | ten | with |
cold | here | on | thank | work |
come | him | once | that | would |
could | his | one | the | write |
cut | hold | only | their | yellow |
did | hot | open | them | yes |
do | how | or | then | you |
does | hurt | our | there | your |
Before preschool writing your child will have to develop their fine
motor skills, which is the involved use of the small muscles
controlling the hand, fingers, and thumb, usually in coordination with
the eyes.
Included on this site are some activities and games that will help develop your preschooler's fine motor skills.
When your child can do these activities with ease, then they can move on to preschool writing activity books that will help them have fun and enjoy their new found skill.
The development of these skills will allow for your child to be able to complete tasks such as writing, drawing, and buttoning up their clothes.
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