Funny Toddler Quotes From Parents

Read these funny toddler quotes and weep (with laughter)! Young children can be hilarious while learning to master the art of conversation -

A big thank you to the parents who have provided these for you.

Also check out the quotes about toddlers, from the famous and the not so famous. ...ReadMore...

Thank You To The Lovely Parents Who Have Provided These Toddler Quotes

Whenever we are leaving the house to visit family, my 22-month-old daughter Tilly flings her arms up in the air and shouts ‘Show time!’ She seems to know she has to perform!
Emily, Ontario

When my 3-year-old Sam wants to go outside barefoot, he says “Can I wear my feet?”, and “Can I wear my tummy?” when he wants to go swimming without wearing his swimming t-shirt.

Annabelle, Singapore

Toddler overheard when being strapped into his car seat by a very pregnant woman who was having some difficulty leaning over: “You’re just too fat, aren’t you?”


I was in the supermarket with my 3-year-old, Hattie. We were half way round with a full trolley. She suddenly said, "Quick, quick, I need a wee". I turned to the nearest cashier and said, "Is it okay if I leave my trolley here as my daughter needs the loo?" Before the cashier could reply, Hattie yelled out at the top of her voice, "I'm not your daughter, I'm Hattie!"

Everyone turned and stared at me suspiciously as though I was trying to abduct a child!
Helen, Shrewsbury

When I have to tell my son Harry off for anything he always replies by saying to me, "Harry good boy, mummy bad boy"

The other day he was trying to pee in the toilet. He couldn't manage it, and philosophically announced: "Wee-wee gone to sleep!"
Katerina, Sussex

We were discussing the imminent arrival of my son's baby brother/sister. When asked where the new baby was going to sleep, My 35-month-old  replied 'Baby go in the bin'...


Maybe it's time to check out the Sibling Rivalry Pages... Read More Page1... Read More Page2...

Thank you to the parent, who sent in the following joke for toddler quotes, when I find out who wrote it, I will post a credit to them.

With tears in his eyes, a little boy told his nursery teacher that only one pair of boots was left in the classroom and they weren’t his.


So the Nursery School teacher searched and searched, but she couldn’t find any other boots. “Are you sure these boots aren’t yours?” – Asked the teacher.


“Yes I’m sure,” said the little boy sobbing. “Mine were covered in snow.”


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